Urban Space Monsanto

Estrada da Cruz

Know more

Urban Space Lisboa

Lisbon is going through an excellent cultural and touristic phase due to a regeneration program that extends from the city centre down to the waterfront.

In the City Center

Its history, beauty, urban element, climate and connection with the river Tagus generate unique sensations, which are the highlights of a city with an authentic cultural heritage and architecture.


The security, climate, gastronomy and quality of life that characterize Lisbon are the reasons why more and more people, both national and foreign, want to live in this capital city.

Enjoy Life

For all this and much more, it is worth investing here.

StudioTwo and Three bedrooms apartments


T0 – Studio.


Generous areas, large, versatile and well-distributed rooms.

T3 Duplex

Large areas and a terrace with a view.

Download our brochure in PDF format


 Estrada da Cruz | Lisbon | Portugal

+351 217 122 500
+351 967 285 395

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